This bleak, rusty machine we call life.

“There is a word in Japanese, yugen, that has no English equivalent. In Japanese, it is the awareness that the universe transmits a profound and mysterious beauty that can only be understood by the man or woman engaged in the comparable beauty of human suffering. (…) This bleak, rusty machine we call life. This unexpected beauty.”

[R. Malfi, Come with me]

Und das ist Leben (Rilke)

Das ist die Sehnsucht: wohnen im Gewoge
und keine Heimat haben in der Zeit.
Und das sind Wünsche: leise Dialoge
täglicher Stunden mit der Ewigkeit.

Und das ist Leben. Bis aus einem Gestern
die einsamste Stunde steigt,
die, anders lächelnd als die andern Schwestern,
dem Ewigen entgegenschweigt.

[R. M. Rilke]


“For the sadness generated by the Dream was almost more than he could bear, a deep despair that negated everything good that had happened in his life, that wiped out the joy of his wife and his children and brought him back emotionally to that dark, dark day.

The fear was bad, but it was far preferable.
He experienced that fear now, an emotional vestige of the Dream even more lasting than the nightmare images that remained in his head. It was terror and panic and impotence and frustration, all knotted together in a single overwhelming feeling that would not got away.”

[Bentley Little, The Haunted]


“He really liked the basement. It was like being in another world, while knowing that the other world was still there outside, above you, if you needed it. But down here it was quiet, and no one came and said anything, did anything to you. Nothing you had to do.”

John Ajvide Lindqvist, ‘Let the Right One in’

Thou canst not hear the songs of my darkness

“When it is day with thee, my friend, it is night with me; yet even then I speak of the noontide that dances upon the hills and of the purple shadow that steals its way across the valley; for thou canst not hear the songs of my darkness nor see my wings beating against the stars—and I fain would not have thee hear or see. I would be with night alone.”

[Khalil Gibran: Complete Works; Auszug aus: The Madman]

Staring eyes

“The only constant was his eyes. Staring into them, I saw nothing. No emotion. No humanity. In every photograph, the eyes (…) were dark blanks that revealed nothing. A saying I’d heard long ago came to mind: When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you.

[R. Sager: Home Before Dark]

(Fiel mir erst nachträglich ein: kleiner Verweis zum Gedicht Ich faßte deine Hand.)

Cautionary Tale (D. Schweitzer)

„Jack Sprat would eat no fat.
His wife would eat no lean.
Mrs. Sprat died in her late thirties
of a combination of diabetes,
high blood pressure, and heart failure.

Her husband outlived her by almost four decades.
He never remarried.“

{Cautionary Tale by Darrell Schweitzer}


The New Creatures of the Night

“The British streets had always been a breeding ground for international style creating an English civil style war that saw the other youth tribes–Teddy Boys, skinheads, punks, metal heads, rockabillies and psychobillies–fighting pitched battles. Goths though, preferred to dress up, read, think, fuck and dance; these new creatures of the night came alive on the dance floor.”
― from John Robb: “The art of darkness: The history of goth”
Castrum Nigra, 2019
Tanzende @ Castrum Nigra 2019
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