The New Creatures of the Night

„The British streets had always been a breeding ground for international style creating an English civil style war that saw the other youth tribes–Teddy Boys, skinheads, punks, metal heads, rockabillies and psychobillies–fighting pitched battles. Goths though, preferred to dress up, read, think, fuck and dance; these new creatures of the night came alive on the dance floor.“
― from John Robb: „The art of darkness: The history of goth“
Castrum Nigra, 2019
Tanzende @ Castrum Nigra 2019

Unsworth – Season of the Witch (Buch)

Cathi Unsworth beschreibt sich selbst als Goth und hat das Ziel, in ihrem „The Book of Goth“ untertitelten Werk die Entstehung der Gothic-Bewegung aus den bleiernen Jahren der Thatcher-Regierung zu erklären. In der Buchbeschreibung auf Amazon heißt es:
„Now, forty years since its inception, author Cathi Unsworth provides the first comprehensive overview of the music, context and lasting legacy of goth. This is the story of how goth was shaped by the politics of the era – from the miners‘ strikes and privatisation to the Troubles and AIDS ­­- as well as how its rock ’n‘ roll outlaw imagery and innovative, atmospheric music cross-pollinated throughout Britain and internationally, speaking to a generation of alienated youths.“ „Unsworth – Season of the Witch (Buch)“ weiterlesen

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