„And though my mind is cut by battles
fought so long ago
I return victorious
I am coming home
And if the paths that I have followed
have tread against the flow
there is no need for sorrow
I am coming home“
[The Crüxshadows, ‚Return‘]
Nachtgedanken von Rush
„And though my mind is cut by battles
fought so long ago
I return victorious
I am coming home
And if the paths that I have followed
have tread against the flow
there is no need for sorrow
I am coming home“
[The Crüxshadows, ‚Return‘]
„One could argue that all that really matters is that we learn to deal with where we are at any given moment, not where we were.“
„He really liked the basement. It was like being in another world, while knowing that the other world was still there outside, above you, if you needed it. But down here it was quiet, and no one came and said anything, did anything to you. Nothing you had to do.“
John Ajvide Lindqvist, ‚Let the Right One in‘
„When it is day with thee, my friend, it is night with me; yet even then I speak of the noontide that dances upon the hills and of the purple shadow that steals its way across the valley; for thou canst not hear the songs of my darkness nor see my wings beating against the stars—and I fain would not have thee hear or see. I would be with night alone.“
[Khalil Gibran: Complete Works; Auszug aus: The Madman]
„The only constant was his eyes. Staring into them, I saw nothing. No emotion. No humanity. In every photograph, the eyes (…) were dark blanks that revealed nothing. A saying I’d heard long ago came to mind: When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you.“
[R. Sager: Home Before Dark]
(Fiel mir erst nachträglich ein: kleiner Verweis zum Gedicht Ich faßte deine Hand.)
„Jack Sprat would eat no fat.
His wife would eat no lean.
Mrs. Sprat died in her late thirties
of a combination of diabetes,
high blood pressure, and heart failure.
Her husband outlived her by almost four decades.
He never remarried.“
{Cautionary Tale by Darrell Schweitzer}